My Friend "Habib"

Habib, known to his friends as "the best friend" they could ever have. This reputation was built on countless instances where Habib's reliability and empathy shone through, whether it was helping out a friend in need or simply being a steadfast companion. People often asked him for his name, an odd but frequent query that Habib took in stride with a warm smile.

Habib's hero was his father, a man who embodied strength, wisdom, and kindness. His father's influence was evident in Habib's life, particularly in the way he approached his greatest accomplishment: assisting his parents with their store. This small but bustling business thrived partly due to Habib's dedication and hard work, which filled him with a quiet pride.

Failure was never a deterrent for Habib. When faced with setbacks, he would persist, determined to succeed no matter how many tries it took. This resilience was mirrored in the close-knit bond he shared with his mother, father, and sister, the three pillars of his life who always supported and encouraged him.

Despite his achievements and the love surrounding him, Habib often struggled with a persistent feeling of inadequacy. He felt like the worst person at times, a personal obstacle he was constantly trying to overcome. Yet, he found solace and pride in simply being alive and enduring life's challenges.

When Habib had no specific plans, he enjoyed the simple pleasures of life, such as playing games or exploring the outdoors. One of his favorite places to visit was the Surabaya Bridge on Kenjeran, a spot that held a special place in his heart.

Childhood memories often flooded Habib's mind, especially the vivid and poignant memory of being by his grandmother's side as she passed away. These experiences shaped his understanding of life's fragility and the significant issues society faced, such as gender, religion, and genocide.

If Habib could change one thing about himself, he would wish for more bravery. He often found himself hesitant in situations that required boldness. This introspection extended to practical matters as well; if something went wrong with his car, his first instinct was to check the engine's condition methodically.

In times of distress, Habib was a pillar of support for his friends. He would stay by their side, offering help and comfort in any way he could. To manage his own stress, he turned to prayer and moments of solitude, often gazing at the sky to find peace.

As a child, Habib's favorite activity was playing football with other children. Those carefree days represented the happiest time of his life, a period when his family was whole and life felt complete.

Habib was always careful with his words, avoiding comments that might discourage someone from being themselves or chasing their dreams. At social gatherings, he made it a point to talk to new people, eager to make new friends and connections.

When assigned a long-term project, Habib preferred to prepare gradually, ensuring that each step was carefully planned. His decision-making process involved considering the benefits for everyone involved, not just himself.

Daily routines were important to Habib, and he made it a habit to wake up on time every day. He enjoyed attending social events, particularly Japanese festivals and Independence Day ceremonies, where he could immerse himself in cultural celebrations.

Habib loved both reading books and watching movies, finding joy and knowledge in both activities. He believed that while everyone had their own intentions, it was essential to remain vigilant against those with harmful motives. His awareness and kindness made him a cherished friend and a respected individual in his community.

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